
Vier­eck has some­thing in the genes, which you might not suspect at first glan­ce. She sales into the wind. Domi­na­tes the rough sea. Seeks inspi­ra­ti­on in the vast­ness of the north. And inhe­ri­ted the Vier­eck-Archi-Gene. Infec­ted with it 30 years ago by her father and to this today remains tho­rough­ly infec­ted. And when fema­le intui­ti­on meets hard mate­ri­als, objects with a spe­cial soul are crea­ted. Award-win­ning and expe­ri­en­ced, tog­e­ther with her bor­t­her Bern­hard she mana­ges two offices and has rea­li­zed many pres­ti­gious pro­jects with her team.


Vier­eck has been drawn out into the world, becau­se urban plan­ning and the metro­po­li­ses, espe­ci­al­ly of Asia inspi­red him. After spen­ding 8 years in total, 4 of it in one of the lar­gest archi­tec­tu­re firms in the world, AEDAS, he brings his expe­ri­ence and meti­cu­lous atten­ti­on to detail into a style adapt­ed to Euro­pean dimen­si­ons. When the affi­ni­ty to design meets home roots, a new page is crea­ted at Vier­eck archi­tects.


Vier­eck drew his first archi­tec­tu­ral sket­ches over 40 years ago. On paper, sket­ched by hand, models made. In the pre­sent day, he mas­ters both tech­no­lo­gy and craft­sman­ship. He is like that. Detail-obses­sed, you could call it con­sis­tent. Cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the visi­on to make the impos­si­ble pos­si­ble, he pur­sues ever­y­thing, but abo­ve all hims­elf. Per­se­ve­ring, crea­ti­ve and elo­quent. The­se are the ide­as that still come from his hand and endu­re today.

Bea­trix Hol­zer

Office Manage­ment | Kind­berg

DI Karin Schus­ter

Pro­ject Manage­ment | Archi­tec­tu­re

Kers­tin Ochens­ber­ger

Pro­ject Manage­ment
Archi­tec­tu­re & Inte­ri­or Design

DI Anne­ma­rie Scheidl


DI Tan­ja Wein­zettl

Archi­tec­tu­re & Inte­ri­or Design

DI Mar­ti­na Hal­ler

Pro­ject Manage­ment | Inte­ri­or Design
Mate­r­ni­ty Lea­ve

App­ly now!

DI Dada Höll­rigl

Pro­ject Manage­ment | Archi­tec­tu­re

DI Ger­not Kraut


The­re­sa Win­ter

Office Kind­berg

DI Hubert Hebes­ber­ger

Pro­ject Manage­ment | Archi­tec­tu­re

DI Urska Beber


Mag.Art Ange­li­na Bos­ko­vic

Pro­ject Manage­ment | Inte­ri­or Design
Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with The Detail Stu­dio

Jakob Stiegler


Dipl. Diz. Tiha­na Hajd­in­jak-Novak

Inte­ri­or Design

Danie­la Schelch, MA

Inte­ri­or Design

DI Juli­an Radl



The dog

DI Mar­tin Diet­rich


Fabi­an Rieg­ler


DI Nico­le Eggen­reich


Mag. Nico­le Har­rer-Leit­old

Office Manage­ment | Graz

Pia Deich­sel, BA

Inte­ri­or Design
Mate­r­ni­ty Lea­ve

DI Paul Mun­te­anu


DI Ste­fan Auer


Lucas Schachin­ger


Kim Mey­er­hoff , BSc

Assistant | Archi­tec­tu­re

Lili­an Yous­sef, BSc

Assistant | Archi­tec­tu­re

Ewa Sar­na, MSc

Inte­ri­or Design

DI Regi­na Holz­leit­h­ner

Pro­ject Manage­ment | Inte­ri­or Design

Katha­ri­na Wink­ler


Julia Zarfl

Office Assis­tance Graz | Mar­ke­ting & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

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