Viereck has something in the genes, which you might not suspect at first glance. She sales into the wind. Dominates the rough sea. Seeks inspiration in the vastness of the north. And inherited the Viereck-Archi-Gene. Infected with it 30 years ago by her father and to this today remains thoroughly infected. And when female intuition meets hard materials, objects with a special soul are created. Award-winning and experienced, together with her borther Bernhard she manages two offices and has realized many prestigious projects with her team.

Viereck has been drawn out into the world, because urban planning and the metropolises, especially of Asia inspired him. After spending 8 years in total, 4 of it in one of the largest architecture firms in the world, AEDAS, he brings his experience and meticulous attention to detail into a style adapted to European dimensions. When the affinity to design meets home roots, a new page is created at Viereck architects.
Viereck drew his first architectural sketches over 40 years ago. On paper, sketched by hand, models made. In the present day, he masters both technology and craftsmanship. He is like that. Detail-obsessed, you could call it consistent. Characterized by the vision to make the impossible possible, he pursues everything, but above all himself. Persevering, creative and eloquent. These are the ideas that still come from his hand and endure today.

Office Management | Kindberg
Project Management | Architecture
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Architecture & Interior Design
Project Management | Architecture
Architecture & Interior Design
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Project Management | Architecture
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